Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bob Published Writer!

Bob has started writing a weekly article for the Expedite Now magazine and also for the Expediters Online home page. One of his articles is located under EO Truck Topics on the home page. You just need to scroll down a little to see the Truck Topics. His first published article should come out this month in the Magazine that is sent all over the country. If you are interested in seeing the magazine article you can sign up and receive the magazine for free.


Since Bob does not type or I should say he does not really want to type so he types poorly this is a joint venture. He writes out his article then I decipher what he has wrote and between the two of us we try to get the article into a final format. Neither one of us were English majors so there are a lot of flaws but Bob does have some very good info for new people or even people in a money crunch wanting to do more themselves.

So far Bob is enjoying his new project and he has been getting some very positive feedback!


  1. wow!...just finished reading his article on the eo homepage....brad and i were very impressed.....we will have to start following the homepage and the magazine to keep up with him!!....

  2. Good article that can help those who are on a very tight budget.

  3. How great that Bob got his article published!!

    Even though we're not expediters (although sometimes it FEELS like it, since anything the requires me not to have time to stop for a latte is expedient...) I really enjoyed reading the article. I don't know from shocks, but I thought it was written well - good collaborative effort. Congrats!


About Me

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Saint Louis, United States
Expediters Team Drivers Husband/Wife