Saturday, May 30, 2009

Spring has sprung

I like every season as they all have really great qualities and I do not really care for the alternative of not getting to see the seasons.

Baby animals are another great sign of spring. Now what could be cuter then the above picture? I will admit that there are VERY few baby animals that are not just adorable but I have seen VERY few cute human babies. When someone has a cute baby animal I just cannot wait to get my hands on it but as for a human baby I cannot get far enough away from it. Odd I know but a yapping puppy is so much cuter then a screaming baby.

Being our here on the road and watching spring happen all over the country is very uplifting to me. One day you see a shadow of a leaf on a tree and the next time you come by you cannot even see the branches of the tree. While going down highway 152 in California on the way to Gilroy there are several pastures that have the coolest twisty turny branches on those trees. They are very interesting to see in the winter and then in the spring when they get their leaves they are just amazing. Nope do not know what kind of trees they are.

When I am out walking sometimes the breeze will come with the scent of flowers in bloom and all you can do is stop and smell the flowers! Sometimes other breezes come by and you just need to speed up a little to get out of that area.

One of the great things about spring is the rain and thunderstorms. Now I know some areas have to much rain but it is so cool to be in the truck when a great thunderstorm rolls through. The cracking of the lightening and the rolls of thunder are just awesome. The roof of the sleeper is just perfect for letting the noise come through. If I could have it perfect I would have a glass top sleeper just to be able to watch the light show! Maybe someday....

1 comment:

  1. I was going to mention this the next time I saw you, but forgot. Are the trees eucalyptus?


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Saint Louis, United States
Expediters Team Drivers Husband/Wife